Car Donation Oregon

You've come to the right place – our Kars4Kids crew in Oregon can pick up virtually any car donation, regardless of condition, and usually without a title too.

  • Free towing in OR within 24 to 48 hours
  • Tax deductible receipt
  • No paperwork for you

Start here

Join our 500,000+ donors
Vehicles Year, Make and Model
Title Info
Have the title?

This is your last step.

Mailing Address

Contact Info

License Plate or VIN (optional)

And one last thing...

How to donate a car in OR

  1. Tell us about your car

    1. Tell us about your car

    Take 2 minutes to fill out a donation form - online or over the phone.

  2. Schedule a free pickup time

    2. Schedule a free pickup

    Within 24 hours we’ll call you to arrange a convenient pickup time.

  3. We tow your car

    3. You are done!

    Within 2-4 weeks you receive a tax receipt .

500,000+ donors trust us with their car.

Here’s what our Oregon donors had to say about how donating went for them.
P.S. we didn’t make these up! They're all real donors, with real experiences.

The D.
By The D., Portland  OR

The process was easy. The people were kind. I'd recommend the service to anyone who doesn't want the hassle of getting rid of a vehicle well past its prime.

By To., Portland  OR

Fast, efficient, and friendly. I filled out the forms and they were able to take the car off my hands the very next day. :)

Stephen R.
By Stephen R., Portland  OR

It could not have been simpler. Great communication from everyone.

How your car donation helps

Our charity programs are the essence of what we do. We are thankful to be able to give back to many local communities across North America and to bring educational opportunities to so many children, with the help of our sister charity Oorah. We're a registered nonprofit Jewish organization. Learn about what we do and see our charity programs here.

Kars4kids Mentor Program
The Kars4Kids Vision

Kars4Kids‘ vision is to give our children the ability to succeed in life. We focus on educational, mentorship and year-round programs for our children, their families and their communities, looking at the big picture of our children‘s development and the environment they grow up in. We rely on thousands of volunteers to help us change the world, one child at a time.

Charity Partnerships

We're always on the lookout to help deserving charities further their aims. We offer small grants to nonprofits that make a difference for children in need by offering them educational opportunities. Helping others help children is just part of what we do to help make this world just a little bit better.

Jam-Packed Day Trips

From zip-lining to wall climbing, and even a shopping trip or two, kids are having summer fun thanks to Kars4Kids. Building lasting friendships while having a blast is what summer is all about because in the end, kids are just kids and fun is an important part of being young. With your help, we make it happen.

Gold Transparency 2024 Candid.
GreatNonprofits 2024 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Questions about donating a car in OR

We’ve got answers to all your questions about car donation in OR, whether you want to know more about the process or anything related to your car’s title.
The amount you can claim from the IRS as a tax deduction depends on the category applicable to you:
The IRS allows you to claim a tax deduction of:
a) The value of your vehicle up to $500. It is up to the donor to determine the fair market value.
b) The amount we sell your vehicle for - if it is more than $500.

Kars4kids is a classified 501(c)(3) charity organization. You can check with your tax advisor or accountant to determine the amount of your benefit. The deduction is of value only if the donor itemizes his or her deductions. For a more detailed overview the IRS publishes a Donors Guide to Car Donation.
Kars4Kids accepts donations of virtually all kinds of vehicles, including but not limited to: car, snow plow, boat, bus, jet ski, truck, airplane, van, trailer, motorcycle, ATV, tractor, commercial, fleet and RV (motor home) donations. Sorry, no kids.
We can usually pick up a vehicle without a title in Oregon . We just need the registered owner to sign some paperwork for us.

In the following counties, you’ll just need to provide proof of ownership. Just provide a proof of ownership (such as copy of registration or insurance card): Multnomah, Washington
In almost all scenarios Kars4kids will apply for the new title for you. We'll handle all the paperwork and pay the title fees too.
If you'd prefer you may apply for a new title on your own. Here's how:
Fill out an Application for Replacement Title (Form 735-515). You may submit your completed applications, supporting materials and payment to a DMV office, or mail your document to the address below:
Oregon DMV
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem, OR 97314

For additional details visit:
Oregon Title
The sample title document to the left of this paragraph has a red arrow. Sign where the arrow appears using the name listed on the front page of your car title. The signed title should be placed in the glove compartment at the time your vehicle is picked up.
  1. Remove plates
    Remove the license plates from the car, prior to it being towed.

  2. Notify DMV
    Notify the DMV of the donation within 10 days. You may notify them using their online application, or mail in a Notice of Sale or Transfer form.

    Use the Online Notice of Vehicle Sale.

    Download a copy of the Notice of Sale or Transfer of a vehicle. The completed form should be mailed to:
    DMV 1905 Lana Ave NE Salem, OR 97314

  3. Destroy, Return or Transfer Plates

    Deface or remove and destroy the month and year tags/stickers.  You may also bend or cut the plates so they are no longer usable, then place the plates in your garbage for disposal.

    Mail in the plates or bring them in to your local office.

    If you are transferring your license plates to a new vehicle, complete Form 735-268. The completed form should be mailed to: DMV, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem OR 97314; or taken to any DMV office.

  4. Stop insurance
    Cancel your insurance coverage on the donated vehicle once it’s been picked up.

For a full list of frequently asked questions check out our faq section


Ready to donate?

OR fun factsOne of the more interesting donations received by Kars4Kids is this bus converted into a motor home by donor Jeff C. of Wilsonville, Oregon.

Any information on this page related to state laws and title requirements is correct to the best of our knowledge. But because this kind of information is liable to change, please check with your local motor vehicle authority for current guidelines and requirements.
Kars4kids Car Donation

818 SW 3rd Avenue #1128
Portland, OR 97204

Sun - Thu: 7 am - midnight EST
Fri: 7 am - pm EST
Sat: 2 pm - midnight EST

Our Areas of Service.

We pick up from all over Oregon , including:
Adair Village, Adams, Adel, Adrian, Agness, Albany, Algoma, Alicel, Allegany, Aloha, Alpine, Alsea, Amity, Andrews, Antelope, Applegate, Arlington, Arock, Ashland, Ashwood, Astoria, Athena, Aumsville, Aurora, Austin, Azalea, Baker City, Bandon, Banks, Barlow, Bay City, Beatty, Beaver, Beaver Creek, Beaverton, Belknap Springs, Bend, Biggs, Bingham Springs, Birkenfeld, Blachly, Black Rock, Blalock, Blodgett, Blue River, Bly, Boardman, Bonanza, Bonneville, Boring, Breitenbush Springs, Bridal Veil, Bridge, Bridgeport, Brighton, Brightwood, Broadbent, Brogan, Brookings, Brooks, Brothers, Brownsville, Burns, Burnt Woods, Butte Falls, Buxton, Camas Valley, Camp Sherman, Canby, Cannon Beach, Canyon City, Canyonville, Carlton, Cascade Locks, Cascadia, Cave Junction, Cayuse, Cecil, Central Point, Champoeg, Charleston, Chemult, Cherry Grove, Cherryville, Cheshire, Chiloquin, Christmas Valley, Clackamas, Clatskanie, Cloverdale, Coburg, Colton, Columbia City, Condon, Coos Bay, Copperfield, Corbett, Coquille, Cornelius, Corvallis, Cottage Grove, Cove, Crabtree, Crane, Crater Lake, Crawfordsville, Crescent, Crescent Lake, Creswell, Culp Creek, Culver, Curtin, Cushman, Dairy, Dallas, The Dalles, Days Creek, Dayton, Dayville, Dee, Deer Island, Denmark, Depoe Bay, Detroit, Dexter, Diamond, Diamond Lake, Dillard, Dilley, Disston, Donald, Dorena, Drain, Drew, Drewsey, Dufur, Dundee, Dunes City, Durham, Durkee, Eagle Creek, Eagle Point, Echo, Eddyville, Elgin, Elk City, Elkton, Elmira, Elsie, Enterprise, Estacada, Eugene, Fairview, Fall Creek, Falls City, Fields, Flora, Florence, Forest Grove, Fort Klamath, Fort Rock, Fort Stevens, Fossil, Foster, Fox, Frenchglen, Friend, Gales Creek, Gardiner, Garibaldi, Gaston, Gates, Gaylord, Gearhart, Gervais, Gibbon, Gilchrist, Gladstone, Glenada, Glendale, Gleneden Beach, Glenwood, Glide, Goble, Gold Beach, Gold Hill, Goshen, Government Camp, Grand Ronde, Granite, Grants Pass, Grass Valley, Gravelford, Greenhorn, Gresham, Haines, Halfway, Halsey, Hamilton, Hamlet, Hampton, Happy Valley, Harbor, Hardman, Harlan, Harper, Harrisburg, Hebo, Heceta Beach, Helix, Heppner, Hereford, Hermiston, Hillsboro, Hines, Holland, Holley, Homestead, Hood River, Horton, Hoskins, Hot Lake, Hubbard, Huntington, Idanha, Idleyld Park, Imbler, Imnaha, Independence, Ione, Ironside, Irrigon, Island City, Jacksonville, Jamieson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jewell, John Day, Johnson City, Jordan Valley, Joseph, Junction City, Juntura, Kamela, Keasey, Keizer, Keno, Kent, Kerby, Kernville, Kimberly, King City, Kings Valley, Klamath Agency, Klamath Falls, Knappa, Lacomb, Lafayette, La Grande, Lakecreek, Lake Oswego, Lakeside, Lakeview, Langlois, LaPine, Lawen, Leaburg, Lebanon, Lexington, Lincoln Beach, Lincoln City, Lime, Lonerock, Long Creek, Lookingglass, Lorane, Lostine, Lowell, Lyons, Mabel, Madras, Malin, Manning, Manzanita, Mapleton, Marcola, Marion, Marquam, Maupin, Mayger, Mayville, Maywood Park, McCredie Springs, McDermitt, McKenzie Bridge, McMinnville, McNary, Meacham, Medford, Medical Springs, Mehama, Merlin, Merrill, Metolius, Midland, Mikkalo, Mill City, Millersburg, Millican, Milo, Milton-Freewater, Milwaukie, Minam, Mission, Mist, Mitchell, Modoc Point, Mohawk, Mohler, Molalla, Monitor, Monmouth, Monroe, Monument, Moro, Mosier, Mount Angel, Mount Hood, Mount Vernon, Mulino, Multnomah Falls, Murphy, Myrtle Creek, Myrtle Point,Necanicum, Nehalem, Nesika Beach, Neskowin, Netarts, Newberg, New Bridge, New Pine Creek, New Princeton, Newport, North Bend, North Plains, North Powder, Norway, Noti, Nyssa , Oakland, Oakridge, O'Brien, Oceanside, Odell, Olene, Olney, Ontario, Ophir, Oregon Caves, Oregon City, Orenco, Otis, Otter Rock, Oxbow Dam, Owyhee Dam, Pacific City, Paisley, Parkdale, Paulina, Payette Junction, Pendleton, Perrydale, Philomath, Phoenix, Pilot Rock, Pine, Pinehurst, Pistol River, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Valley, Plush, Pondosa, Portland, Port Orford, Post, Powell Butte, Powers, Prairie City, Prescott, Prineville, Prospect, Provolt, Rainier, Redmond, Reedsport, Reedville, Remote, Rhododendron, Rice Hill, Richland, Rickreall, Riddle, Riley, Ritter, Rivergrove, Riverton, Rockaway Beach, Rogue River, Rome, Roseburg, Roy, Rufus, Saint Benedict, Saint Helens, Saint Paul, Salem, the state capital, Saginaw, Sandy, Scappoose, Scholls, Scio, Scottsburg, Scotts Mills, Seal Rock, Seaside, Selma, Seneca, Shady, Shady Cove, Shaniko, Shedd, Sheridan, Sherwood, Siletz, Siltcoos, Silver Lake, Silverton, Sisters, Sitkum, Sixes, Skipanon, Sodaville, South Beach, Sprague River, Spray, Springfield, Stanfield, Stayton, Sublimity, Sulphur Springs, Summer Lake, Summerville, Sumner, Sumpter, Sunriver, Sutherlin, Svensen, Sweet Home, Swiss Home, Talent, Tangent, Telocaset, Tenmile, Terrebonne, The Dalles, Tidewater, Tiernan, Tigard, Tillamook, Timber, Toledo, Trail, Triangle Lake, Troutdale, Troy, Tualatin, Turner, Tygh Valley, Ukiah, Umapine, Umatilla, Umpqua, Union, Unity, Vale, Valley Falls, Valley Junction, Valsetz, Vanport, Ventea, Vernonia, Vida, Waldport, Walker, Wallowa, Walterville, Walton, Wamic, Warm Springs, Warren, Warrenton, Wasco, Waterloo, Wedderburn, Wemme, Wendling, Westfall, West Linn, Westfir, Weston, Westport, West Stayton, Wheeler, White City, Whiteson, Whitney, Wilbur, Wilderville, Willamina, Willamette, Williams, Willow Creek, Wilsonville, Winchester, Winchester Bay, Winston, Wolf Creek, Wonder, Woodburn, Wood Village, Worden, Yachats, Yamhill, Yoncalla, Zigzag

As one of the biggest car donation charities we accept donations throughout the USA.