Martha Thompson loved her car, “Meanwoman.” So is it any wonder she felt the need to write this heartfelt tribute when she decided to donate the vehicle to Kars4Kids? Thompson laid her heart out in her post on Facebook. We felt the need to share her beautiful words:
Thanks for making donating my suburban so easy, but I’m not going to lie. I cried like a baby when they towed her away. I loved her so much I had to write a tribute to her the day she left:
I had to say farewell to a good and loyal friend today. I didn’t treat her the best but she was always good to me. Together we shared first and last days of school, dance recitals, two high school graduations, doctor’s appointments and field trips. When we vacationed together, she handled those treacherous Smoky Mountain roads like a tramp and never complained about the sand we tracked in from the beach.
She waited patiently for me during marathon Christmas shopping trips, and gladly held all of my packages. She helped me bring two babies home from the hospital. She’s seen me at my worst and my best. She’s been a witness to lots of laughing, crying, family arguments and secrets.
She liked to have a good time but wasn’t afraid of hard work and could carry a heavy load. When we evacuated for Hurricane Katrina, she provided shelter for our family overnight in horrifying weather conditions because there were no hotel rooms available. She’s seen more than her fair share of sadness, too. In her early years, she worked as a family funeral procession vehicle. Later, she hauled flowers to gravesites and was eventually used solely as a backup work vehicle.
She was affectionately named the “Meanwoman” but she wasn’t mean at all. She was loyal, strong, faithful, hospitable, and everything else that a true friend should be.
Thank you sweet girl, for the past 15 years and 300,000 plus miles.