Back in June of 2021, we received what we like to call “the Rolls-Royce” of car donations. Yup. You guessed it: someone donated a Rolls-Royce. The donor resides in (where else?) Palm Beach, Florida.
The Rolls in question is a 2006 Rolls-Royce Phantom. This rich burgundy 4-door sedan came to us with only a minor dent and a few scratches. This is a really the donation of all car donations when you consider that the asking price for the 2021 Rolls-Royce Phantom is a cool $457,750.
That’s just the starting price because when purchased new, the Rolls-Royce Phantom is fully customizable. The buyer chooses whatever fine leather, woods, metals, and fabrics he or she likes to get exactly the ambience desired. But the Rolls-Royce Phantom not all about the looks. This is a powerful car that really performs. Aficionados of this particular model say the ride is not only “library-quiet” but as smooth as silk, with a built in camera to spot imperfections in the road, enabling the suspension to adapt to road conditions in real time.
Our generous donor did very well indeed, to be able to procure such a marvel of a vehicle. Most of us can only dream of getting behind the wheel of a Rolls. But we still thought we’d whet your appetite with some photos of this very special car donation: